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Showing posts with the label india china

A Different Side To India China Skirmish || India-China Faceoff

The India China relationship is the current topper in all the news channel and for about three months now. But before jumping right off to the current India China relationship let's start at the beginning of where India China skirmish began. On December 2019, a new virus was identified into existence by WHO. A virus that the WHO was not sure about but tracing the infected people back to their travel history, each one of them had visited China. Not only China and anywhere but at a specific city called Wuhan which is quite big in size as well as population. The virus was found zoonotic and there are thousands of zoonotic viruses that do not spread to humans. The virus originating in Wuhan was inspected under the microscope and had similar properties to the SARS virus which erupted in 2003 all around the world. This virus had a crown-like structure on its boundaries and hence was named CORONA which literally means crown in Latin. With its behaviour resembling the SARS virus, it was al
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